THE RICECOOKERS是2004年在美国波士顿由广石友海(Vocalist)和藤井恒太(Lead Guitar)组成的摇滚乐队,之后又加入了若林大祐(Bass)和大山草平(Drums)。他们起初在本地区的live house活动,如Paradise Rock Club, Harpers Ferry, Middle East Downstairs,Middle East Upstairs, Great Scott, Berklee Performance Center,等等。当然还有纽约的The Knitting Factory,Lions Den, Drom, Bowery Electric and Santos Party House. 。
直到2006年他们固定在The Times Irish Pub进行专场演出。
The Ricecookers现属于BOWINMAN MUSIC PUBLISHING旗下,并在日本展开活动。
VOCALS/GUITAR: Tomomi Hiroishi
A Japanese born and raised in Mexico City, he is a trilingual
musician influenced by Latin American and Japanese culture.
His first love of music began with the Violin, which he performed live
on the radio at the age of 11. He then learned to play the Bass,
Saxophone, Clarinet, Drums, and the Guitar. In 2001, he enrolls
in the acclaimed Berklee College of Music as a Vocalist and forms The Ricecookers.
藤井恒太 Kota Fujii(ギター)
GUITAR: Kota Fujii
Born in Tokyo, Japan, he was brought up amidst a mixture of
cultures and music. Mostly influenced by great blues guitarist such
as Stevie Ray Vaughn and Jimi Hendrix, he studied in Pan School
of Music in Tokyo and mastered the electric guitar and went on to
study in Berklee College of Music, graduating in 2006.
BASS Guitar: Daisuke Wakabayashi
Born in Yokohama, Japan, he enters the Pan School of Music and
meets Kota Fujii. During the enrollment, he is recognized for his
strong live performances and is sent to South Korea to represent
the school. He then moves to Boston to study at the Berklee
College of Music and joins The Ricecookers.
大山草平 Sohei Oyama(ドラムス)
幼少の頃より和太鼓を始める。その後、ドラムへと移行し、18歳の時に"JUMP UP LIVE"で
DRUMS: Sohei Oyama
Born in Kyoto, Japan. Growing up, he learns to play the
traditional Japanese Drums, “Wadaiko”, but moves on to play
the drums at Yamaha PMC. At age of 18, he receives
“THE BEST DRUMMER” award at “Jump up Live”.
He then moves to Boston to enroll in Berklee College of Music and
joins The Ricecookers.