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- 最后登录
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- 注册时间
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- 帖子
- 34359
- 在线时间
- 9412 小时
- 威望
- 22492
- 贡献
- 100
- 最后登录
- 2025-3-31
- 注册时间
- 2009-9-8
- 积分
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- 阅读权限
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- 帖子
- 34359
中文名: 光盘刻录/虚拟光驱软件
英文名: Alcohol 120%
资源格式: 安装包
版本: v2.0.1.1820零售版/附注册机
发行时间: 2010年
制作发行: Alcohol Software
地区: 丹麦
语言: 英文

应用平台:Windows2000/XP/Server 2003/08/R2/XP Professional x64 Edition/Server 2003/08/R2x64/Vista/Windows 7/ 32x and 64x operating system.
问题反馈: http://support.alcohol-soft.com/en/support.php
网站链接: http://www.alcohol-soft.com/
1) Before install Alcohol 120%, aplly all this steps to edit the "hosts" file:
NOTE: In some cases editing the hosts file will make Alcohol reset theregistration data and you will get the message box "UNREGISTERED", soprobably all this is unnecessary, skip this part and go to step 2, ifdoesn't work properly try editing the hosts file.
- Disconnect internet
- Disable your antivirus (only for edit the hosts file, skip this partif you don't think is necessary, but in some cases the hosts file can'tbe edited with the antivirus enabled)
- go to -> C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
right click on the "hosts" file, click on Properties and untick the option "Read Only" then click OK.
* Now we can edit the host file:
- Open NotePad (Vista/7, Run as Administrator)
- Now Click "File" and then "Open".
- Now Enter The Filename (copy/paste all this):
and click "Open"
- Now Append this lines at the end of the file: serial.alcohol-soft.com www.alcohol-soft.com serial.alcohol-soft.com images.alcohol-soft.com trial.alcohol-soft.com forum.alcohol-soft.com support.alcohol-soft.com users.alcohol-soft.com shop.alcohol-soft.com vodka.alcohol-soft.com *.alcohol-soft.com *.alcohol-soft.*
- then click on File/Save and close the hosts file.
- Enable your antivirus
- Enable the option "Read Only" of the hosts file.
** All this was only to edit the hosts file manually.
2) Disconnect internet and install Alcohol 120% (Vista/7 as administrator)
3) With your firewall block these files:
"Alcohol.exe" and "StarWindServiceAE.exe"
4) Run keygen (Vista/7 as administrator), then click on Register.
That's all, it's activated now.
5) Vista and Win7 users, right click on the shortcut of Alcohol 120%and select Properties. In the Properties window, go to theCompatibility tab, check the option that says Run this program as anadministrator and click on OK.
6) Run Alcohol 120%, go to View /Options / General and untick: "Autocheck current version status viainternet at start". Then click on Accept.
Alcohol Audio Converter(AxAudioConPlugin. is a Free plug-in for Alcohol 120%that will allow you to convert CD to mp3.
请使用防火墙高级选项阻止Alcohol程序连接到互联网。/Block Alcohol with a firewall
System Requirements
Please ensure your computer system meets the following requirements otherwise Alcohol 120% may not work properly:
* Intel/AMD based PC with Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003/08/R2/XPProfessional x64 Edition/Server 2003/08/R2 x64/Vista/Windows 7/ 32x and64x operating system.
* 32MB (or more) of RAM
* Internet connection
* 10GB (or more) hard disk (a 74 minute CD image requires 650-700MB)
* One or more bus-mastering SCSI and/or ATAPI buses
* One or more CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drives. You can use a CD/DVD recorder as a reader with sufficient hard disk space.
* One or more CD recorders (if you install more than 2 CD recorders,700MHz CPU and 128MB RAM is recommended). Only required for Alcohol 120%
* One or more DVD recorders (if you want to burn DVD format). Only required for Alcohol 120%
全能型虚拟光驱“酒精 120°” Alcohol 120% 就是原来 Fantom CD的作者自己自立门户单干后,独立开发的一套功能非常强大的光盘刻录软件。这套软件目前非常强大,其功能比起 Fantom CD简直有过之而无不及。界面更加友好,程序更加精炼,操作也更加方便。光盘复制能力已经超越了CloneCD。该软件可以复制防拷光盘、制作/烧录光盘映像档、CDR/DVD 烧录。最多可以创建 31 个虚拟CD&DVD-ROM,仿真 200X光盘读取速度,支持多种光盘烧录方式:Session-At-Once、Disc-At-Once、RAW Session- At-Once、RAWSession- At-Once + SUB、RAW Disc- At-Once (with full PQ/R-W sub-codesupport)。零售版。
Imagine being able to store your most used CD andDVD images on your hard drive, and then run them at up to 200 timesfaster than some CD drives and without requiring the disc itself!
Howabout being able to make a backup of that CD or DVD onto another disk,either using the CD or DVD itself or just using the image you havecreated? This is what Alcohol allows you to do and much more..
* Up to 31 virtual drives with a single click of a button.
* Supports the latest Blu-Ray format and HD DVD (Single and Dual Layer)
* Alcohol 120% can mount virtually any image files created, even from other software.
New Alcohol 120% v2.0.0.1331 Retail Setup (Digital Signature 20-02-2010)
CRC32: a9047a94
MD5: b542bc6c341e828b4df9c96da88cac09
SHA1: ea1d52ba6dcc19561aec03187ca6ec7539803c9b
迅雷或电驴下载:[鍏夌洏鍒诲綍/铏氭嫙鍏夐┍杞欢].Alcohol.120%.Retail.v2.0.1.1820-Betamaster.rar (11.64 MB) |